
Patrimonio da  visitare , Parchi divertimento, parco safari dans le Morbihan

    Leisure parks and Wildlife parks
    Amateur of big shivers or sweeter sensations, you will inevitably find a park of leisure at your convenience. Scenic railways of amusement parks in the playful or instructive walks of parks with subject, it is the ideal activitie in family or between friends.

    The animal world is in your range with the wildlife parks. Mysteries of the seaworld, with aquariums, to the wild animals of other lands in zoos by way of animal husbandry of lamas, of fallow-deer, of harts or of ostriches, discover all fauna while sharing an instant in family.

2 dans le Morbihan.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico dans le Morbihan é gratuito
foto di Parc Animalier
  • Bassa stagione 5€ a 8.5€
  • Media stagione 5€ a 8.5€
  • Alta stagione 5€ a 8.5€
  • Vacanze scolastiche 5€ a 8.5€

Parchi divertimento, parco safari a Carentoir

Parc Animalier

La Ferme du Monde Le Bois brassu 56910 Carentoir (Morbihan)
Tel : 02 99 93 70 70  - Fax : 02 99 08 97 72
Découvrez sur 25 ha 400 animaux d'élevage des 5 continents: lamas, chameaux, dromadaires, watussis, buffles, zébus, chévres, moutons, etc. Volière. la visite se fait à pied durée 2 h, elle est ...

Parchi divertimento, parco safari a Pluméliau

La Balade du Père Nicolas

Doré Le Rohic 56930 Pluméliau (Morbihan)
Tel : 02 97 51 90 10
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico dans le Morbihan é gratuito