
гастрономия , продукты с фермы dans le Morbihan

    Products of the farm
    Discover the inimitable taste of the farm products and appreciate their freshness and their authentic tastes. The farmers who will welcome you will make it with friendliness and make you share the passion of their job. You will discover with them the development of their products and savour them then in a natural and warm set.
1 dans le Morbihan.
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продукты с фермы в Colpo

La Ferme Fruitière de Colpo - Morbihan - Bretagne

serge Le Falher Colpo 56390 Colpo (Morbihan)
телефон : 02 97 66 82 28
Vente de confitures, gelées, sorbets, glaces, sirops, compotes, pâtes de fruits
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