![]() поÑещение доÑтопримечательноÑтей , замки,монументы в Бретань
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замки,монументы в BrestLe château de Brestchateau brest 29200 Brest (Finistère)
телефон : 00 00 00 00 00
The castle of Brest was built on Gallo-Roman remnants dating from the IIIrd century. Its construction was completed in the XVIIth century by Vauban. The fortress originally protected the town, and was ...
замки,монументы в Saint-MarcanLe Télégraphe de ChappeCté de Commune Baie du Mont Saint-Michel La Masse 35120 Saint-Marcan (Ille-et-Vilaine)
телефон : 02 99 80 36 61
In 1791, the French engineer Claude Chappe invented what is considered as the first modern communication system : Optical Telegraphy. In Saint-Marcan, you will find a completely renovated telegraph ...