микросхема Atelier Galerie d

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Atelier Galerie d' Art de Sculpture

Joël Strill 18 bis impasse du petit Conleau 56000 Vannes (Morbihan)
телефон : 02 97 46 05 48
смотреть на сайте http://www.strill.fr Workshop Art gallery of Sculpture in Vannes in southern Brittany in France
Joel STRILL - Sculptor -
Invites you to push the doors of its Workshop Art gallery of Sculpture in Vannes in southern Brittany, to present traces of his course to you: woodcarving, sculpture of bronzes, sculpture of stone, sculpture of plaster, resin, frescos and photos.

Also propose courses and training courses.

You can take appointment by the site with English traduction:

  • **TPictos-Accès handicapé**
  • стоянка
  • **TPictos-Animaux admis**
связаться ' Atelier Galerie d' Art de Sculpture '

  • Hotel de France 57 Avenue Victor Hugo 56000 Vannes начиная с 45.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Hotel de France
  • Manche-Ocean 31 Rue Du Lieutenant-Colonel Maury 56000 Vannes начиная с 45.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Manche-Ocean
  • Comfort Hotel La Marebaudiere Vannes 4 rue Aristide Briand 56000 Vannes начиная с 63.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Comfort Hotel La Marebaudiere Vannes
  • Manoir de beaupre 73 AVENUE EDOUARD HERRIOT 56000 Vannes

  • Villa Kerasy Hotel à Vannes 20 avenue Favrel et Lincy 56000 Vannes

  • Chambre d'hôtes très bon confort à Vannes 1,rue camille pissarro 56000 Vannes

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