
Art and craft, Art, Craft and Gallery in Brittany

    Arts and Crafts
    Meeting with fascinated craftsmen and artists talented height. They express their know-how through unique works according to their imagination and to their inspiration. For the public, the result is always a pleasant surprise... Only for the pleasure of your eyes!
57 in Brittany.
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Art, Craft and Gallery in Sizun


Méfret thierry place de l'abbé Broc'h 29450 Sizun (Finistère)
Phone : 07 82 55 37 23
L 'atelier Art' Swedish Edition of Thierry Mefret is located place of the Abbot Broch in Sizun. He finely painted on slate with acrylic paint. Working the slate since 2005, he offers his designs on ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Pleuven

Escale Créateurs

Monique PAUGAM 20 Moulin du Pont 29170 Pleuven (Finistère)
Phone : 06 86 66 29 56
In the ‘Atelier de Monik’, picture framer, you will also find the work of local and regional craftspeople and artists. Cécile Rousseau and Monn Failler exhibit their pottery. Manny is there with ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Trébeurden

Création Mosaïque

Florence ROUX 11 Chemin de Rougoulouarn 22560 Trébeurden 22560 Trébeurden (Côtes d'Armor)
Phone : 02 96 23 60 37

Art, Craft and Gallery in Saint-Brieuc

Art et Déco - SGO

Jean Pourdieu 15 Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau, 22000 Saint Brieuc 22000 Saint-Brieuc (Côtes d'Armor)
Phone : 06 64 77 03 43

Art, Craft and Gallery in Kerlouan

Atelier Villadada

Danielle Bruck Théven 29890 Kerlouan 29890 Kerlouan (Finistère)
Phone : 06 19 38 15 95

Art, Craft and Gallery in Quimper

atelier du feutre

Françoise Christien 33 bis rue Jean Jauresn 29000 Quimper (Finistère)
Phone : 06 75 01 31 17
Art Textile, créations, pieces uniques de feutre de laine.
accessoires, chapeaux, vestes manteaux feutre et soie.
insolite et unique... venez decouvrir l' atelier du feutre et rencontrer la ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Kerlaz

Atelier du Relieur

Daniel Quéméner kernair 29100 Kerlaz (Finistère)
Phone : 06 09 85 43 11
Atelier de reliure artisanale. Reliure et restauration de livres et documents anciens.

Art, Craft and Gallery in Saint-Armel

Atelier d'art (gravure) bleu-nuit

Béa nevoux 17 rue Er Resien 56450 Saint-Armel (Morbihan)
Phone : 06 82 70 61 09  - Mobile phone : 06 82 70 61 09
Au coeur du village de St Armel, à deux pas du golfe.
Atelier d'Art, visite de l'exposition, démonstration et explications sur l'art de l'estampe (gravure taille-douce).
Sur rendez-vous.
Cours ...
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