![]() Art and craft, Art, Craft and Gallery dans le Morbihan
16 dans le Morbihan.
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Art, Craft and Gallery in VannesATELIER 8Charlotte Delbary 8 rue de la loi 56000 Vannes (Morbihan)
Phone : 06 63 45 75 10
- Mobile phone : 06 63 45 75 10
Graphismes muraux, Trompe-L'oeil, Meubles peints, Miroirs peints, Pense-bêtes, Boites décorées Tableaux Art, Craft and Gallery in QuistinicAtelier de fabrication de jouets en boisMirlipili 10 rue de la mairie 56310 Quistinic 56310 Quistinic (Morbihan)
Phone : 02 56 22 00 97
Mirlipili is a workshop-boutique manufacturer and creating many games and wooden toys. It is open to the public from Wednesday to Friday from 14 h to 18 h and Saturday from 10 h - 12 h and 14 h - 18 ...
Art, Craft and Gallery in MonterblancArtisan d'art tourneur sur boisbenjamin veltz teneurho 56250 Monterblanc (Morbihan)
Phone : 06 74 36 08 38
Art craftsmen, invents and makes unique sweet and pure lines pieces.Working mainly local wood, ancient and modern technical Mary has research of fluidity and consistency.
Art, Craft and Gallery in CarnacChez Céline, l'artisanat breton au coeur du MorbihanCéline Mary la petite metairie 56340 Carnac (Morbihan)
Phone : 02 97 52 17 31 -
Come To Céline, discover every day to Kermario the exposure of 50 craftsmen of the region.
Art, Craft and Gallery in Rochefort-en-TerreAtelier d'ArzPhilipe Le Cointe 7 Place du Puits, 56220 Rochefort-en-Terre 56220 Rochefort-en-Terre (Morbihan)
Phone : 06 41 82 79 52
Art, Craft and Gallery in QuestembertArt & décorsMartine GUILLAUME 15 rue des Lilas 56230 Questembert (Morbihan)
Phone : 02 97 26 06 88
Martine GUILLAUME, artist decorative painter, proposes, through its sign mgdecors, complete services to embellish the private or professional living spaces.* Creations and restoration of painted ... Art, Craft and Gallery in VannesSculpteur Joël STRILL Atelier Galerie d' Art de Sculpture, Fresque, Décor, Volume et Formation Continue en Sculpture en Bretagne sudJoël STRILL 18 bis impasse du Petit Conleau 56000 Vannes (Morbihan)
Phone : 02 97 46 05 48
Sculptor Joel STRILL workshop Gallery of Art of Sculpture, fresco, Decor, Volume and continuing education in Sculpture in South Brittany gold medal at the competition International of Sculpture of the ...
Art, Craft and Gallery in VannesPapiers et CompagnieJAY-RAYON Alain et Françoise 11 bis Rue de Closmadeuc 56000 Vannes (Morbihan)
Phone : 02 97 54 27 12
- Fax : 02 97 54 27 12
Partez à la découverte de notre boutique de carterie d'art, papeterie et artisanat: avec sa collection unique de cartes d'art raffinées et originales, nous vous proposons plus de 1000 références ...