
Art and craft, Art, Craft and Gallery in Brittany

    Arts and Crafts
    Meeting with fascinated craftsmen and artists talented height. They express their know-how through unique works according to their imagination and to their inspiration. For the public, the result is always a pleasant surprise... Only for the pleasure of your eyes!
57 in Brittany.
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Art, Craft and Gallery in Moncontour

romuald creations

romuald 1 bis rue des forge 22510 Moncontour (Côtes d'Armor)
Phone : 06 85 64 10 66
"Believed slate reclusive forever on our roofs. It was not counting on the creativity of Romuald. In his breton workshop, the artisan-artist transforms fine grey-blue stone lamps of atmosphere, ...
picture of atelier les engobés
  • **Tourisme-Entrée**

Art, Craft and Gallery in Ploemel

atelier les engobés

Simon bellégo et Marie Balme kérivin 56400 Ploemel (Morbihan)
Phone : 06 13 74 32 24

Art, Craft and Gallery in Saint-Philibert

Atelier d'artiste peintre

Le Rol Michel Le Magouéro 56470 Saint-Philibert (Morbihan)
Phone : 02 97 55 11 33
L'atelier présentent des tableaux sur la Bretagne. Le style en est la lignée impressionniste. Les sujets variés sont peints à l'huile sur toile ou sur panneaux. L'artiste présente aussi une ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Plussulien

Atelier-Galerie de Vitrail Tiffany, stages d'initiation

Sandra JULIEN 2 rue du Centre 22320 Plussulien (Côtes d'Armor)
Phone : 02 96 24 02 82

Art, Craft and Gallery in Vannes

Sculpteur Joël STRILL Atelier Galerie d' Art de Sculpture, Fresque, Décor, Volume et Formation Continue en Sculpture en Bretagne sud

Joël STRILL 18 bis impasse du Petit Conleau 56000 Vannes (Morbihan)
Phone : 02 97 46 05 48
Sculptor Joel STRILL workshop Gallery of Art of Sculpture, fresco, Decor, Volume and continuing education in Sculpture in South Brittany gold medal at the competition International of Sculpture of the ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Plestin-les-Grèves


Gildas Salaun 4, rue de Kerilly 22310 Plestin-les-Grèves (Côtes d'Armor)
Phone : 02 96 54 17 77
Craft gallery of miniature furniture ..... Breton wrote the book on the topic "craft miniature Breton" published in 2009. English 2010 Restoration and research for individuals and museums Gildas ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Lampaul-Guimiliau

Poterie artisanale céramiste Didier Bourel

Didier Bourel 11 place de l'Eglise 29400 Lampaul-Guimiliau (Finistère)
Phone : 02 98 68 63 72
Didier Bourel, potter in Brittany, is working the clay since 1976. Stoneware or porcelain production is oriented mainly around the arts of the table: plates, teapots, pitchers, bowls, cups, dishes to ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Saint-Thois


Céline LAVAL 8 rue du stade 29520 Saint-Thois (Finistère)
Phone : 02 98 73 83 85
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